Monday, December 19, 2016

The Stand

A thin silver cloud races across a high midnight sky

the moon burns like a lantern across the fields
the tired earth shifting and rolling beneath his steady feet

Underneath, the settled lands are moving
in the distance the settlers are well armed

In a wigwam burns a fevered dream
eagles feather, tobacco and fire crackling
sweating, he dreams of rifles mounted on the thunderbird

the young man runs outside 
and keeps his feet steady planted on the shifting land.

dark skin and flowing raven hair
a chant at the moon and stars 
useless rage, indispensable pride. 

The rolling ground swells under him

the overthrow of nations, the end of Moonlight. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Slug Life

I’m a yellow slug,
                       on a pile of  powdered salt.
      Wondering just how long

 it takes
       to dry.